Apr 3, 2019 If after delay, the thing is lost due to fortuitous event, debtor is liable. Effect of The exception to the rule is when is Charity in mora accipiendi.


In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay if the other does not Mora solvendi – the default on the part of the debtor/obligor;; Mora accipiendi – the 

-Delay is on part  But that which is properly Mora is when the delay on the part of him who owes a creditor (mora accipiendi) as well as on the side of the debtor (mora solvendi). The delay on the part of the creditor without justifiable reason to accept the performance of the obligation. answer choices. Mora Solvendi. Compensatio Morae.

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gar, nämligen sjömanslagen och lag om ändring i vissa delar av sjölagen. Vid sidan av detta till bortfraktaren såsom part i avtalet än till dennes syssloman. Utkastet utgår bringande, och kommer han därigenom i mora accipiendi, äger arbetstagaren dels fordra the debtor the right of discharging his debt in national  Förslag till lag om ändring i vissa delar av sjölagen m. m, Nojrstedt. viij, 418 s. ej ens antyder påföljden av att part vägrar medverka till skriftlig avfattning av avtalet, avseende böra betraktas enligt reglerna om en borgenärens mora accipiendi, The national laws may reserve to the debtor the right of discharging his debt  Syftet var att anpassa IUS CIVILE, särskilt de tolv tavlornas lag, till nya ekonomiska Domen hade även materiell rättskraft, och respektive part kunde med hjälp av i kraft av ett rättsförhållande mellan två rättssubjekt, CREDITOR och DEBITOR, FERENDI ET ACCIPIENDI, en avsikt att överföra och motta äganderätten).

mora debitoris is defined as culpable delay on the part of the debtor in performing an obligation that is due and enforceable, and that remains capable of performance in spite of such del ay.

The debtor is guilty of fraud, negligence or delay or contravention of the tenor of obligations 2. Debtor has promised to deliver the same thing (specific) to 2 or more persons who do not have the same interest 3.

Mora accipiendi is the delay on the part of the debtor


Mora accipiendi is the delay on the part of the debtor

2017-01-25 delay can be incurred not only by the debtor in his failure to pay when the time for payment comes (mora solvendi) but also by the creditor in his failure to receive the payment from the debtor when the debt matures and the latter tenders to him the money due (mora accipiendi) .1 Mora solvendi -debtor to fulfill 2. Mora accipiendi -creditor to accept 3. Compensatiomorae -delay of debtors in reciprocal oblgns (eg.

Mora accipiendi is the delay on the part of the debtor

mora accipiendi .
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Compensatio morae – default of both parties in reciprocal obligations Ø MORA SOLVENDI • Mora on the part of the debtor is delay, contrary to law, in the fulfillment of the prestation by reason of a cause imputable to the former. • There is no mora in natural obligations.

d. Debtor does not perform his positive obligation on the date agreed upon. 68.
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MORA ACCIPIENDI (mora of the creditor) – the delay of the obligee or creditor to accept the delivery of the thing which is the object of the obligation. Article 1269. The obligation having been extinguished by the loss of the thing, the creditor shall have all the rights of action which the debtor may have against third persons by reason of

b. The debtor is guilty of non-performance. c.

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Syftet var att anpassa IUS CIVILE, särskilt de tolv tavlornas lag, till nya ekonomiska Domen hade även materiell rättskraft, och respektive part kunde med hjälp av i kraft av ett rättsförhållande mellan två rättssubjekt, CREDITOR och DEBITOR, FERENDI ET ACCIPIENDI, en avsikt att överföra och motta äganderätten). 3.

Article 1269. The obligation having been extinguished by the loss of the thing, the creditor shall have all the rights of action which the debtor may have against third persons by reason of 2 kinds of delay: (1) Ordinary delay- merely the failure to perform an obligation on time (2) Legal delay or default or mora- the failure to perform an obligation on time which failure, constitutes a breach of the obligation Different kinds of delay, default or mora (1) Mora Solvendi: Delay on the part of the debtor (2) Mora Accipiendi: Delay Delay on the part of the debtor (to do) Mora accipiendi. Delay on the part of the creditor.